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Crucial Conversations

It is more important than ever to master the skill of having tough conversations.  We have all kinds of conversations every day - with our significant others, leaders, colleagues and friends.  Most of which involve topics that we're comfortable talking about. But then there are times when conversations take a different turn.  The subjects feel more personal.  Views and beliefs vary. Timing makes you anxious. Expectations seem out of line.  These exchanges are defined as crucial conversations.



They are crucial because they involve diverging opinions, strong emotions and high stakes.  These interactions require specific skills to manage effectively.  In times like these we’re living in now, you are bound to find yourself in situations that command conversations that may make you uncomfortable, but you must have anyway.



Join me on October 30, 2020, for an enlightening event, Tea with Terrie…Real Life Conversations.  We’ll talk about crucial conversations where the stakes are high, like interactions with your boss or other influential colleagues.  You’ll walk away with tools for managing those exchanges effectively.  This will be an intimate, small virtual group so register early!



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